It’s always interesting to follow the latest strategic moves. McPalin is forced to play defence, and the odds are stacked up against them.
59% of voters do NOT think Palin is qualified for the VP job, much less for the top job. MSNBC, the most Democrat of the networks, has one expert describe it like this on their ‘McCain in the membrane’ evening show; even at McDonalds they require three job interviews, she only had one. Perhaps the basic McDonalds job preparation courses would actually do her good. A note on Palin in the rear view mirror; post-election, the internal war in the Grand Old party has broken out, accusations of her ignorance mounting. It’s like a soap opera to watch; she apparently did not know the difference between Africa – the continent – and South Africa – the country...
The Obama campaign is sticking to their 50-state promise, and have announced they will run ads in many Republican bastions, including Arizona. They’re probably not going to win Arizona – but the PR value alone of backing McCain into a corner where he has to defend his own home state is unmistakable ! States like Virginia and North Carolina have not voted Democrat since 1964 – and are now 50/50
The race for 60 seats in the Senate is on. 60 seats would secure a Congress completely held by the Democrats, where Republicans cannot even use the so-called filibuster-veto to stop legislation. In North Carolina, the race is between incumbent Elizabeth Dole, an old insider in Washington, and Kay Hagan, the Democrat. The race is dirty, with allegations of Godlessness (Hagan took money from groups denying Jesus Christ) and in-efficiency (Elizabeth Dole only spent 15 days in NC in 2006) and questioning of family values flying through the air. Ads, law suits and counter ads are the order of the day. When we campaign for Obama, we of course also strongly urge the voters to vote for Kay Hagen and the rest of the Democrat ticket
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